HostGator Web Hosting Help

How to Create and Delete MySQL Databases and Users


Databases offer a method for managing large amounts of information easily over the web. They are necessary to run many web-based applications such as bulletin boards, content management systems, and online retail shops.

Create or Delete a MySQL Database

Create a MySQL Database

  1. Log in to your HostGator cPanel account.
  2. Click the MySQL Databases icon under the "Databases" category
  3. In the New Database field, type a name for the database.
  4. Click Create Database.
  5. Click Go Back.
    • The new database will appear in the Current Databases table.
  • The new database will appear in the Current Databases table.
  • Delete a MySQL Database

    1. Navigate to the Current Databases section
    2. Click the Delete Database link next to the database you wish to delete
    If you would like to remove a user that has been assigned to a database, click the red "X" next to the user on this table. To see instructions on how to assign a user, click here.

    Create or Delete a Database User

    After creating the database, a user will need to be created and their privileges added to the newly created database. Please note that MySQL user accounts must be created separately from mail and web administrator accounts.

    Create a Database User

    1. Locate the MySQL Users section of the MySQL Databases tool. To quickly find this section, click "Jump to MySQL Users".
    2. Under Add New User, enter a username.
      Note: The username must be 7 letters or shorter.
    3. Enter a password in the Password field.
      • For help generating a strong password, click the Generate Password button.
    4. Retype the password in the Password (Again) field.
    5. Click Create User.

    Delete a Database User

    1. Navigate to the Current Users section
    2. Click the red "X" icon next to the user you wish to delete

    Define a User's Privileges

    Privileges define how the user is able to interact with the database. For example, they will determine whether or not the user can add and delete information.

    Assign a Database User

    1. Under Add User to Database, select a user from the User drop-down menu.
    2. From the Database drop-down menu, select the database to which you wish to allow the user access.
    3. Click Add.
    4. From the MySQL Account Maintenance screen, select the privileges you wish to grant the user, or select ALL PRIVILEGES.
    5. Click Make Changes.

    Un-assign a user

    To un-assign a user from a database click the red "X" next to the user on the database table. You can see an example of this table by clicking here.

    Using the Database

    Now that you can create databases, users, and assign appropriate privileges, you can use the following articles as a reference to editing and connecting to your databases.

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